Legacy seismograms census in Europe
Legacy seismograms census in Europe

Legacy seismograms census in Europe

Dear colleagues,

Europe has a long tradition of seismological observation, but its heritage is dispersed in institutions throughout the continent in varying states of preservation. For this reason, the WG decided to launch a survey to compile a new inventory of such datasets preserved in institutions around the world that will build upon the work of similar past working groups and initiatives. This should provide an actualized picture of the situation of this heritage and, in turn, should allow better coordination of collective initiatives to improve its preservation, dissemination, and valorization. We encourage all institutions in possession of legacy seismograms to fill in the survey and distribute it to other potentially interested candidates. Please, complete it “to the best of your knowledge” as any information on where any seismograms currently are can be valuable.

The survey is open to any institution in charge of legacy seismograms, in Europe or abroad. It can be filled in online or, you may fill it in as an excel spreadsheet. Interested institutions or researchers can contact us to access the form, for any questions, comments, etc. on the survey at info@legacy-seismograms.eu.


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