The Leidos team is sharing the following announcement:
At 2023 SnT, Leidos team announced that the nuclear data repository Waveforms From Nuclear Explosions (WFNE) sponsored by DTRA is now open for users’ access. If interested, please request access at:
WFNE includes detailed information (origin, bulletin, other geophysical data) on all the 2,157 atmospheric, underground and underwater nuclear explosions detonated in the world during 1945 and 2017. Over 84,000 waveforms associated to 821 of the nuclear explosions are included in WFNE, and their station/instrument information, as collected from many sources. Users can search, visualize and download data of interest for their own research. Your feedback is welcome.
Data continues to be collected from newly identified sources and merged into WFNE.
We also invite you to contribute with data from your own institutions/networks.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Dr. Victoria Oancea